Badass As You.
Lighting Solution.
BATLite® Shelter Lights
NOT JUST TOUGH. IT’S BADASS! The game-changing BATLite® (BadAss Tactical Lighting) system is designed specifically for rugged use and abuse in military field applications. Drop them or dunk them, freeze them or fry them, throw them in a truck — they just keep working. In fact, these military shelter lights can be rolled up with the tent at breakdown without damage — ready to plug in and turn on immediately the next time the tent is set up.
And get this — BATLite units use up to 60% less energy than other lights, with an unprecedented life expectancy of approximately 50,000 hours. That means you could leave a BATLite unit on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for almost six years — and about twelve years under normal use!
Designed to disperse light evenly across the workspace area, BATLite tactical lighting systems accommodate up to sixty lights with a single outlet — and convert to mission critical blackout mode at the flip of a single master switch. Talk about BadAss!
Made entirely in the USA, the BATLite tactical lighting system can be installed in any tent, anytime, anywhere — and can even be installed at the factory.
Force Provider’s Chosen Expeditionary Light.

Why Choose BATLite Shelter Lights?
Nearly Indestructible
You don’t have time to baby your shelter lighting. With BATLite® shelter lights, you’ll never have to.
Energy Efficient
The BATLite® tactical lighting system illuminates your tent or shelter at a fraction of the energy cost.
Incredibly Trouble-Free
For lighting that installs quickly, configures easily and is maintenance-free, choose BATLite® tactical lighting.