BATLite® Shelter Lights: Some Badass Benefits

When you need shelter lights for your next mission, it can only be BATLite® Tactical Lighting. Super rugged and nearly indestructible, this energy efficient lighting system is optimized for expeditionary and sustainment missions. The BATLite has a life expectancy of approximately 50,000 hours. A single master switch can turn up to 60 lights on, and can be operated from a portable generator or conventional AC. Made in the USA, BATLite is Force Provider’s chosen expeditionary light for missions worldwide. 

All BATLite products are fully in compliance with the Berry Amendment (10 U.S.C. 2533a) as implemented by DFARS 252.225-7012.

View BATLite Features

View BATLite Specs

Shelter Lights
  • Super-rugged, high-impact design specifically for military field applications.
  • Uses up to 60% less energy than other lights in the field today.
  • Extended life expectancy of approximately 50,000 hours.
  • Disperses light evenly across the workspace area.
  • Converts to mission critical blackout mode – at the flip of a switch.
  • Always puts the light in the workspace no matter how you hang it.
  • Master control plus independent on / off / blackout mode switch on each light.
  • Connect up to sixty (60) lights to a single outlet.
  • Control all lights from a single outlet with the master control switch.
  • Installs quickly in any tent, at anytime or factory-installed.
  • Lights can be rolled up with the tent at breakdown.
  • BATLite® is maintenance free.